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109-2學期領取TA證書時程與方式 / Receiving TA certificate informatio

Dear TA~




完成 2必修+ 2選修 = 4門課程的同學 (跨學期線上或實體修課皆可列入計算,其中實體至少2門,另學術倫理只能抵免線上必或選修課程1),即日起至申請證書,並上傳符合2+2課程學習護照以示證明。若已有證書且本學期擔任TA者,須選擇一門實體或線上課程進修回流。因證書採用批次印製,分兩梯次領取,時程如下。



    5/26 ()之前申請同學於5/31〈一〉起至K書中心B(集賢館2F)領取TA證書。


    5/27()6/16 ()期間申請之同學於6/18〈五〉起至K書中心B(集賢館2F)領取TA證書。有缺TA課程的同學請於5/31前完成線上課程,預計62日匯入學習護照,把握申請機會。




109-2 Receiving TA certificate information

TAs have to complete 2 compulsory courses and 2 elective courses this semester, then you can apply for the TA certificate.

apply for TA certificate:

Two stage for receiving TA certificate


1st. Stage:

If you apply for TA certificate before May, 26, 2021, you can come to the Study Center B (East Community House 2F, Center for Teaching Excellence II) after May, 31 to get the certificate.

2nd Stage:

If you apply for TA certificate from May, 27 to June 16, you can come to the Study Center B (East Community House 2F, Center for Teaching Excellence II) after June, 18 to get the certificate.


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